Light weight aluminum PCB vs.Copper PCB, Benefits and drawbacks

Cost Comparison
The copper PCB is the most costly key ins metal core published circuit card. The thermal conductivity is better than light weight aluminum PCB, this is generally utilized in high frequency circuit style.

Thermally Conductivity Comparison

  • The thermal conductivity of copper PCB is double above that of aluminum PCB. 
  • The higher the thermally conductivity is, the higher transfer efficiency is and also the much better thermal diffusivity is. 
  • Copper PCB requires a thick copper aluminum foil for its large existing bring capability.

Technology Practices
As copper PCB is needed to have a great existing transportation, a thick copper foil is required, generally, the density is 35μm ~ 280μm. 
A heavy copper PCB is generated in the same way by etching thick copper dressed laminated board product.

It utilized plating modern technology as well as a combination of plating and also etching to create the hefty copper features that leads to trace sidewalls and also ignorable damaging.

Copper PCB could be etched intricate pattern and also refined right into a convex system. 
The parts could attached on the system to accomplish the effect of superb grounding as well as warm dissipation.



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